Baby Led Weaning Workshops

Baby Led Weaning Workshops
Do you want to raise an adventurous eater who loves food?
Do you want to teach your baby how to self-feed so he is in control of his hunger/fullness?
Do you want MORE time for yourself and less time making separate baby food?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions you should come see what Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is all about.
What is BLW?
BLW is about offering whole foods to babies starting at 6 months old. No spoons, no mush! It's fresh, easy and quick. You simply need to have the right tools. Find out how to get started and get BLW recipes. Register today for a workshop offered by Eve Kecskes MS, RD, CDN, registered dietitian and mom.
This interactive workshop will include:
Benefits of BLW
When to start BLW
When & how often to feed your baby
Appropriate choice and size of first BLW foods
How to adapt family meals to baby?
Can I do both purees and BLW?
Preventing choking
Introducing allergens
Food preparation tips & recipes
Superfoods for babies
Bonus: FREE mini recipe book with tasty BLW recipes for the whole family and a handout.

Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist